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Erózia základov demokratického poriadku a proces degradácie poľského parlamentarizmu po roku 2015
WITKOWSKI, Z.: Erózia základov demokratického poriadku a proces degradácie poľského parlamentarizmu po roku 2015. Právny obzor, 107, 2024, č. 6, s. 574 – 590.
The erosion of the foundations of the democratic order and the process of degradation of Polish parliamentarism after 2015. The democratic state-building process in Poland, in the last 30 years, was disrupted in 2015 by right-wing political forces, leading to a „hostile takeover of the Constitution.“ This erosion of democracy has been marked by the undermining of the rule of law and the tripartite division of power. Examples include the disregard for the Constitution during the 2020 presidential elections and the introduction of unconstitutional emergency measures during the pandemic. Populist political communication, private interests in the public sphere, and the decline of parliamentary standards further exacerbate this democratic decline. The article examines whether parliamentarism, as a core democratic mechanism, has reached its limits and lost its vitality.
Key words: extinction of the rule of law, erosion of the democratic order, degradation of parliamentarism, autocracy, authoritarianism, camouflaged dictatorship.
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Vydanie Právny obzor 6/2024