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Corporation as a legal person: theoretical basis and practical implications. Smolenice, April 1st - 3rd 2014. Conference report
Corporation as a legal person: theoretical basis and practical implications.
Smolenice, April 1st - 3rd 2014. Conference report
PhD Students, UPJŠ Košice
PhD Students, UPJŠ Košice
The international conference Corporation as a legal person: theoretical basis and
practical implications held on April 1st - 3rd 2014 at the Congress Centre in Smolenice was
organized by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak
Academy of Sciences and the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences. During the
three-day event, high-profile speakers from Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia presented
inspiring contributions. The opening speech delivered by assoc. prof. JUDr. Bohumil Havel, Ph.D.,
was followed by assoc. prof. JUDr. Ján Husár, CSc., and JUDr. Jozef Vozár, CSc., who welcomed
participants and emphasized the importance of a long-term cooperation between the Pavol Jozef
Šafárik University in Košice and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Prof. JUDr.
Stanislava Černá,
PhD., (Charles University, Prague) opened the plenary
session with the contribution on Proprietary independence of a corporation and selected aspects
of creditors´ protection.
Attention was paid to the legal autonomy and economic functions of
corporations. Moreover the protection of creditors was discussed from the wider perspective and
various theoretical approaches. It was pointed out that management board shall have a duty to take
into account the interests of creditors and perform the balance sheet test and the test of solvency.
She opened the issue whether the resolution of the management board on distribution of corporate
profits constitutes a claim against the company, when the company fails to comply with the balance
sheet test.The following speaker prof. JUDr.
Karel Marek,
CSc., (Sting Academy, Brno) brought
up several ideas on the liability of management board when breach of duty of care occurs. He mainly
focused on the performance of the management body while distributing profits based on the resolution
of the general assembly with neither indication nor specific method of distribution. The Supreme
Court of the Czech Republic has lately clarified the interpretation of the existing legal rule
requiring the general meeting to determine at least the method of distribution within its
resolution.Mgr. . The speaker dealt with legal rules applicable to claims for reflective loss with a
foreign element. The problem was analyzed from the perspective of substantive as well as procedural
law. In the concluding part the author presented statement that the applicability of Rome I and Rome
II Regulation lies upon accurate classification of liability claims as contractual or not and their
characterization as an ordinary or specific category of claims.
Ľubica Gregová Širicová
(PavolJozef Šafárik University in Košice) opened a part
devoted to the issue of Actio pro socio
from the perspective of Private international
lawThe next speaker Mgr.
Radek Ruban
(Masaryk University in Brno) presented the
contribution on subsidiary nature of derivative actions
. The author analyzed a hypothetical
model of direct shareholder's lawsuit against management body of joint stock companies through
procedural representation, where shareholder were acting as an agent of a company. The idea is based
on the concept that the right to compensation belongs to the company, but an evident conflict of
interests between management body (who is acting on behalf of the company) and shareholders empowers
the supervisory board to bring a derivative action. Advantages of the presented solution consist in
reduction of information asymmetry of shareholder
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