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Právna úprava prvkov kontradiktórnosti v štádiu prípravného konania podľa právneho systému common law s dôrazom na USA
MIKLÓSSYOVÁ, L.: Právna úprava prvkov kontradiktórnosti v štádiu prípravného konania podľa právneho systému common law s dôrazom na USA. Právny obzor, 106, 2023, č. 3, s. 238 – 250.
Legal regulation of the elements of adversarial proceedings at the pre-trial stage under the common law system, with an emphasis on the USA. The Slovak criminal procedure is characterized by the continental European legal system, the main feature of which is the fact that it is a system of written law - lex scripta, in relation to which other sources of law are only subsidiary sources. The judge in court proceedings does not make the law, but only finds it, applies it, and gives its interpretation. The case-law is settled in the conclusion that we speak of adversarial character in criminal proceedings in the context of the possibility of commenting on all the evidence, but also of commenting on all the other facts which are the subject of the criminal proceedings. A prerequisite for the exercise of that right is, of course, the possibility of being acquainted with all the facts on which the subject has a right to be heard. Since criminal proceeding under US law is based on the common law system and its regulation has a different historic background, different elements apply than in the Slovak law. To what extent, then, do these elements differ from the adversarial elements present in US pre-trial proceedings?
Key words: common law system, adversarial proceedings, pre-trial proceedings, United States of America
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Vydanie Právny obzor 3/2023