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K denotátu pojmu mobiliárnej exekúcie
ŠTEVČEK, M., LÖWY, A.: K denotátu pojmu mobiliárnej exekúcie. Právny obzor, 107, 2024, č. 4, s. 345 – 360.
On the denotation of the concept of movable execution. The individual methods of execution enshrined in the Execution Order reflect the most common ways of satisfying the claims of execution titles, whether for monetary or non-monetary payment. Life can model certain situations that the legal norm does not foresee and does not solve exactly. Therefore, there is a need to solve the raised legal question through basic interpretation methods so that the claims that are the subject of enforcement do not become just letters on the pages of the enforcement title, and real satisfaction is achieved, i.e. enforcement. In the presented contribution, the authors consider the possibility of being penalized in execution proceedings, namely by the procedure of conducting execution by selling movable things,including things that are not individually determined, but their nature/character determines the possibility of determining them exclusively by type (e.g. fuel, crops , gas, etc.). They analyze and interpret the given question through basic interpretation methods, and consider the possibility of using an analogy. The authors verify individual assumptions for the use of analogy, also with the help of clarifying the very purpose of the law. The correctness of their own conclusions is also confirmed in the intentions of the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, no. stamp III. ÚS 36/2023.
Key words: judicial review of civil association decisions, exercise of public law by private entities, private legal entities, administrative judicial review
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Vydanie Právny obzor 4/2024